In the world of language learning one quickly learns that one must not simply be able to write the word or know what world one is trying to say, one must also be able to pronounce the word in question.
I have heard the world "trump" pronounced as "tramp". Oops.
Many of my students aren't able to hear the difference between words that to me sound very different. Example: son/some.
Sometimes the word is written differently, but is said the same: son/sun. However, one might (incorrectly) pronounce "sun" the same as "soon".
And then there are words like "wind" which have different meanings depending on how you pronounce them.
When I think of all these things I think about how hard it must be to learn English. Then I think about verb conjugation in Spanish.
And to be fair, Spanish has it's confusing words too.
I was with several other ladies translating letters my students had written into English and we kept coming across the sentenceL A mi me gusta ordenar las vacas. (I like put the cows in order.) brown cows over here and white cows over there? according to height? What?
Turns out the were forgetting to put the "ñ" instead of "n". This changed the sentence to "I like to milk the cows", which makes a lot more sense.
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